Works / Mapping the Unjust City participates in Collectively @ Iaspis, Stockholm


Mapping the Unjust City will participate in 

Collectively: a forum on the art of thinking, working and living together

24–26 May 2019 at Iaspis, Stockholm

more info

Collectively is a forum that gathers participants coming from the arts and beyond, sensitive to developing news ways of thinking, working, and living together. It investigates forms of collective practice and inquires into how they can foster better social understandings, encourage new forms of solidarity and improve living conditions for everyone. The forum will unfold over three days with over 60 international participants.

Collectively is a concept developed by Council and curated by Grégory Castéra together with advisors Raimundas Malašauskas, Claire Tancons and Kathryn Weir. It is commissioned and organised by Iaspis, the international programme of the Swedish Arts Grant Committee.

The programme

24–25 May 2019
workshops with selected participants

Collectively will serve as a self-organized sharing space, where the relations between participants will be developed through various scores, instructions and protocols proposed to be be tested together. Participants will propose workshops in the studios and spaces of Iaspis; and each day will end with a dinner and evening of performances, screenings and talks.

26 May 2019
public gathering

The workshops will be followed by a public gathering on Sunday, held at Fylkingen from 4 pm to 10 pm.

The participants

0s+1s, Erik Annerborn, Art Lab Gnesta, Art Labor , Bigert & Bergström, Brunåkra, Eglė Budvytytė, Candyland, The Center for the Less Good Idea, Council, CUSS Group, Anne Davidian, Fylkingen, Nathalie Gabrielsson, keyon gaskin, Cecilia Gelin, Benji Gerdes, Gideonsson/Londré, Goldin+Senneby, Gruppen, Gudskul, Martin Guinard-Terrin, Soledad Gutiérrez, Gylleboverket, Sandi Hilal, Mats Hjelm, Laura Huertas Millán, Hyphen, INLAND, IntraGallactic, Virginija Januškevičiūtė, Hanni Kamaly, Angie Keefer, Alexandra Khazina, k.ö.k, La Nocturna, Inga Lāce, Local A., Lundahl&Seitl, Raimundas Malašauskas, Mapping the Unjust City, Alice Máselniková, Ana Mendes, Elena Narbutaitė, Robertas Narkus, Public Movement, Vivian Rehberg, Rejmyre Art Lab, Elham Rokni, Viktorija Rybakova, S!GNAL, Frida Sandström, Aron Schoug, Slakthusateljéerna, Smychka, Kathryn Weir, Werker Collective, Knutte Wester, Sofia Wiberg, WochenKlausur, Giorgiana Zacchia and Iaspis team: Annika Björkman, Roberta Burchardt, Christer Chytraéus, Filippa Edholm, Magnus Ericson, Muhib Fayazi, Dick Hedlund, Henrik Högberg, Lena Malm, Karolina Pahlén, Johan Pousette, Adrian Reimers, Moses Resele

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