My City at Artisan Lounge Downtown MiamiYou have to choose a post template. either news or work

Posted on by Paula Urbano


Our mission is simple. We exist to serve the surrounding Miami art community and to be a catalyst and influence in its growth. Opening saturday 7th April.Meg Pukel, Annie Y Saldana and Paula Urbano.

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What is that super sexy building I walk through to get to The Artisan Lounge?

That’s another easy one. The Artisan Lounge building is connected to one of the oldest church buildings in Miami (Built around the 1890’s). The building and The Artisan Lounge is currently owned and completely funded by Christ Fellowship Miami. Believing in the power and importance of the Arts and Community, Christ Fellowship has dedicated over 9,000 square feet of their downtown campus to making The Artisan Lounge a reality.

The Artisan Lounge is a new and innovative studio space for both the young and seasoned professional. The space features 26 beautifully remodeled studio spaces varying in size and price to best meet your need as an artist. In addition to our 26 studios we also house 3 gallery areas for displaying work and 2 artist lounges for a collaborative and creatively conducive environment.

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