Works / The group mdgh @ Public Luxury Arkdes Stockholm

Mapping the Unjust city

I am one of five members of an interdisciplinary group called mdgh.

mdgh is an interdisciplinary side-project, based in Stockholm Sweden, formed in 2015, with members working in the fields of art, design, architecture, and aesthetics.

The body of work of mdgh is a collaborative process exploring civil rights in relation to ownership in the built environment, with an ambition to visualize and distribute information to promote consciousness and action.

The acronym mdgh stands for Mot Den Globala Hemlösheten (Against the Global Homelessness), a fictive association originally started in order to investigate responses from shopping mall owners on demonstration rights.

From 1/6 2018 -13/1 2019 we present our ongoing investigation called Mapping the Unjust City at Arkdes the Swedish national Centre for architecture and design.

The project shows tangled ownership structures, but also aims to find out if selling off public spaces has an impact on the ability to exercise civil rights – such as the right to demonstrate.

mdgh consist of Maryam Fanni, Åsa Johansson, Elof Hellström, Sarah Kim and me.


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